Privacy Policy


According to the UE regulatory 2016/679 (“Regulatory” from now on), this page describes the way personal data is treated for users that consult Proxima Salute web sites, accessible through the net at the following address:

Such information won’t pertain to other web sites, pages or online services reachable through the hyperlinks published on the web site but that lead to sources outside of the Proxima Salute domain.


Following the navigation on the we sites mentioned above, personal data related to identifiable or identified people can be treated.

The data controller is Proxima Salute srl, Milan (Italy), via Brisa 3, 20123. (Email:, PEC:, Phone number: +39 02.37901555).


This page personal data are treated by Proxima Salute for executing its duties or anyway connected to its own activities.


Navigation data

Software procedures and informatic systems involved in this web site functions collect, during their regular workflow, some personal data which transmission is implicit to the use of Internet protocols.

IP addresses, PC and workstations domain names, URI/URL addresses of resources, the time of the requests, the method used to submit these requests, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the state of the request on the server and other parameters indicating the state of the user machine belong to this category.

Such data, mandatory to the fruition of web services, are not treated by this web site.

User granted data

The optional, explicit and voluntary delivery of messages to the Proxima Salute contacts, and forms filling, lead to the collection of sender contact details in order to reply, and to the collection of personal data freely included by the sender in the communication itself.

Cookies and other tracking systems

Cookies are not used for user profiling, and no other tracking methods are implemented.

Non-persistent and session cookies are used to ensure safe and efficient navigation. Cookie storage on terminals and browsers is under the user control. When on the server, such information are only registered for at most seven days and in the service logs at the end of HTTP sessions, as with all other navigation data.


The following personas are the recipients of the data collected following the forementioned site navigation. They’re designed from Proxima Salute following article 28 of the Regulatory, as Data Controllers.

Sprim Italia S.r.l. as provider of Internet services and maintenance;

Collected personal data are treated by Proxima Salute personnel, acting in compliance to specific instructions in order to respect aims and modes of control.


Website users have the right to obtain from Proxima Salute, in some cases, the access to personal data or their modification or their deletion or their use resctriction or their treatment limitation or to oppose to their treatment (articles 15 and following of the Regulatory). The Autorithy instance is to be presented contacting the Data Controller at Proxima Salute (Address: Milan (Italy), via Brisa 3, 20123. Email:, PEC:, phone number +39 02.37901555).


Those interested that think the tratement of their personal data is done violating what expected in the Regulatory have the right to protest to the Guarantor, as stated on article 77 of the Regulatory itself, or to recourse  to the appropriate juridicial offices (article 79 of the Regulatory).

Proxima Salute srl
Registered office: Milano (MI) via Brisa 3, CAP 20123
P. Iva / C.F. : 09880450961
Registro delle Imprese di MILANO numero REA MI – 2119111
Social capital: 15.000 EUR